We are budgeting to spend approximately £440m on revenue and capital, in line with the council’s priorities contained within the Torbay Corporate Plan. The Council Tax requirement for the provision of services within Torbay will be £83m.

The Corporate Plan and the Council’s key financial documents relating to the 2023/24 revenue and capital budgets are available on our finance pages

Torbay Council Budget 2023/24

We have set a basic amount of Council Tax for 2023/24 based on its gross expenditure and income. For Torbay Council this results in a 4.99%* increase.

The following table shows expenditure and income for each class of service.

Expenditure and income for each class of service for 2023/2024
Service Expenditure £m Income £m Net expenditure £m
Adult Services 116 (64) 52
Children’s Services** 118 (67) 51
Corporate Services 14 (2) 12
Finance 34 (46) 12
General funding 0 (48) (48)
Investment Portfolio 10 (14) (4)
Net Budget 350 (219) 131
Place Services 48 (26) 22
Public Health 10 (0) 10
Total 350 (267) 83

Full details of the 2023/24 service budgets can be found on the Council webpage at:

Budget 2023/24 - Torbay Council

* The Referendum Principles for 2023/24 allows local authorities (with adult social care responsibilities) to raise the council tax precept, for Torbay Council this is 2%, this precept is to be spent on Adult Social Care. Torbay Council has included the 2% amount in the 4.99% Council Tax increase for 2023/24.

** The Dedicated Schools Grant for 2023/24 included in income is approximately £51m

*** The gross expenditure and income figures included in the above table are linked to the budget digest information presented to Council in February, which are prior to any adjustments to comply with CIPFA and central government reporting requirements

Why our Council Tax requirement has changed

There has been an increase of £10m in the Council’s net revenue budget. The significant change is due to inflationary costs that total over £8m and £1.6m is expenditure specifically related to the Adult Social Care precept.

2023/2024 Council tax

The amounts to be raised by Council Tax for Torbay Council, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority and Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall are applicable to all Torbay residents. The Parish Precept is only applicable to residents in the Brixham Town Council area. If applicable this will be detailed on your Council Tax demand.

Amount to be raised by Council Tax 2023/24
Details Excluding Parish Precept £000 Parish Precept £000 Including Parish Precept £000
Torbay Council 82,722 0 82,722
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall 12,194 0 12,194
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority 4,512 0 4,512
Brixham Town Council 0 394 394
Total Amount to be raised 99,428 394 99,822
Changes in amount per Band D property compared year on year
Organisation/Details 2022/23 2023/24 2023/24 % Change
Torbay Council £1,690.06 £1,774.39 4.99
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall £246.56 £261.56 6.08
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority £91.79 £96.79 5.45
Sub-total £2,028.41 £2,132.74 5.14
Brixham Town Council (only payable by Brixham residents) £61.37 £63.49 3.45
Total £2,089.78 £2,196.23 5.09

The amount per Band D Property is used to calculate the Council Tax requirements for all the Valuation Bands as follows:

Valuation bands
Details Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H
Ratio of each band to Band D 6/9 7/9 8/9 9/9 11/9 13/9 15/9 18/9
Torbay Council £1,182.93 £1,380.08 £1,577.24 £1,774.39 £2,168.70 £2,563.01 £2,957.32 £3,548.78
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall £174.37 £203.44 £232.50 £261.56 £319.68 £377.81 £435.93 £523.12
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority £64.53 £75.28 £86.04 £96.79 £118.30 £139.81 £161.32 £193.58
Aggregate of Council Tax requirements ex. Town Council £1,421.83 £1,658.80 £1,895.78 £2,132.74 £2,606.68 £3,080.63 £3,554.57 £4,265.48
Brixham Town Council (BTC) £42.33 £49.38 £56.44 £63.49 £77.60 £91.71 £105.82 £126.98
Aggregate of Council Tax requirements including BTC £1,464.16 £1,708.18 £1,952.22 £2,196.23 £2,684.28 £3,172.34 £3,660.39 £4,392.46

Capital Programme

We plan to spend £90m on capital projects during 2023/24 to maintain and improve our service delivery. Over the period 2022/23 to 2025/26 we plan to spend £308m on capital projects. The capital programme will be funded primarily from a combination of external borrowing, grants, and sales of assets.

The significant areas of spending in 2023/24 include regeneration projects including Town Deal and Future High Street projects, social care facilities, major highway schemes, and schools related projects. Other significant projects include affordable housing, repairs on infrastructure and flood defence schemes.