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Suggested Council Services:   Council Tax Council Tax Support Pay your council tax

101 - 120 of 2561 results

You are paying childcare costs

Find out when we can use childcare payments to reduce earnings on a claim.

Change how and when you pay

Ask us to make changes to the way you pay or how often you pay your Council Tax.

Single Person Discount (SPD) Review

What to do if you have received a SPD review letter.

Tell us someone has died

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax because someone has passed away.

Budget 2022/23

Find out about the budget that the Cabinet is proposing for the 2022/23 financial year.

Deductions for other adults living with you

Information on deductions for non-dependants that could reduce the amount of council tax support you get.

Chief Finance Officer’s Report

Further information to support the Partnership’s draft Budget for 2022/23

Financial assessment form

If you want us to consider lower repayments then you will need to complete a financial assessment form.

Other financial help

Information about other financial help available

Valuation Office Agency New Standards

Guidance on the Valuation Office Agency’s standards for business rates and council tax representation

Disputes about charges for an unoccupied property

Find out how to avoid disputes for charges when tenants vacate.

How you will be paid

Details of how landlords receive their tenants Housing Benefit.

Repaying your overpayment

How to pay back Housing Benefit if you have been overpaid.

Valuation Office Agency Checks, Challenges and Appeals

Find out about the Valuation Office Agency

Pay an invoice in full

or  Post Office  Opens in a new window . Please take your invoice or final notice with you. Direct Debit   Set up a Direct Debit Contact Benefits Contact us More in Benefits and Support Housing Benefit Pension age council tax support Working age council tax support Household support fund Welfare support

My tenant is in arrears

What we can do if your tenant is behind with the rent.

How much help can you get?

Find out how much help you can get with your council tax if you are of pension age.

Cabinet’s Response to Consultation

Provides the Cabinet’s response to the consultation and amended budget proposals

Report a benefit cheat

Tell us about people who might be committing benefit fraud.

Budget overview

An overview of the Cabinet’s proposals for the Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2022/2023.