If you are unhappy with anything to do with SEN provision we would always want you tell us directly or contact SENDIASS Torbay to see if they can help you resolve the situation as soon as possible.

We also have to give you access to an independent Mediation and Disagreement Resolution Service.

Global Mediation provides access to independent disagreement resolution and/or mediation to help when parents, carers or young people and the education authority cannot agree on how to meet a child or young person’s special educational needs. 

They offer guidance including:

  • Independent information and advice about mediation before registering and appeal
  • How to request mediation or a disagreement resolution meeting

For more information visit the Global Mediation Opens in a new window website or contact Global Mediations SEN Case Manager on 0800 064 4488.

  Download the SEN information leaflet for parents Opens in a new window

  Download the SEN information for Children and Young People Opens in a new window