This is the action plan and objectives of the Friends of Stoodley Knowle (FOSK) for Stoodley Knowle Meadow.
- Maintain and enhance the open green space by creating and maintaining a prominent natural wildflower meadow, improving biodiversity, and conserving endangered species, for the general enjoyment of local residents and visitors.
- Promote conservation and good environmental practice in a safe and conscientious way.
- Further enhance the area through a number of initiatives to be decided and agreed upon from time to time by members.
- To continue fundraising to enhance the whole site
- To assist in upgrading the play area with additional equipment (5 to 7 year olds)
- To remove and reseed the disintegrated cricket wicket
- To install a number of bat boxes on site
- To work with Groundwork South to engage new community volunteers
Help us care for Stoodley Knowle
Your support is crucial to maintaining Stoodley Knowle for all to enjoy year-round. There are many opportunities for getting involved. For more information contact gary@fosk.org.uk or visit fosk.org.uk or the FOSK Facebook page.
Maintenance Calendar
Grass cutting
SWISCo will cut the grass on existing paths and around the play area, strimming around benches, bins, the play park, picnic tables, and the café deck is carried out from March to October. How often depends on the growing conditions.
Roadside hedge, kerbside, and trees
Once a year between November and February SWISCO and FOSK will cut the roadside hedge (inside and outside the boundary) and remove creeper and brambles. FOSK will tidy the hedge and secondary hedging by the café from March to October. Trees will have their undergrowth cut once a year.
SWISCo will liaise with FOSK to make sure trees and saplings are marked for visibility each year during February and once during September to October. FOSK will remove harmful (pernicious) weeds between July and September and SWISCO will remove them from the site when asked to by FOSK.
Wildflower meadow
FOSK will seed and plant the meadow in March and October. SWISCo will cut and collect the wildflowers when they are not in flower (taking guidance from FOSK on when to do this) in mid-September.
FOSK will pick up litter and sweep the paths between March and October. this will be done by SWISCo from November to February. The café deck and path will be hosed by FOSK in March.
Between March and October FOSK will carry out maintenance on the:
- flower beds by the park entrance
- bird boxes and bug hotels
- Woodland Trust saplings in the centre and along the boundary of the meadow
The café will be cleaned and redecorated every year in March.
The following events will be organised by FOSK which will be open to all:
- Tabletop sales in Spring (April) and Summer (September).
- Stoodley Spring Clean in February clearing the path running along the hedge next to Ilsham Road
- Big Weed Out to remove weeds in te wildflower meadow are
SWISCo will carry out one operational inspection in January, April, July and October. Play equipment safety checks will be made regularly by SWISCo throughout the yeat.
To take account of changing practices, projects and community needs this Action Plan is regularly reviewed by SWISCo, the Friends of Stoodley Knowle and Groundwork South and is therefore subject to change.
Last review date: 22 February 2021