If you live in Torbay, are a community organisation or local business you can get involved.

  • Would you like to be part of this movement?
  • Do you have the same values and hopes as us?
  • Have you got ideas that would help us become a sustainable food place?
  • Do you need a bit of help to make them happen?

You can get involved in lots of ways, big or small. We would love you to join us and help the movement grow.

  Sign up to Food for Good Torbay


The movement is growing! New members are signing up to the vision and charter every week. They are all making a pledge to take actions that will help us make the Food for Good Torbay vision a reality - helping our community and the planet.

Here is a list of partners who have already signed up. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­