A wide variety of people concerned about their housing situation contact us regularly. The advice and support available depends on your circumstances and can be anything from one-off advice to being accommodated in emergency housing, while we help you find longer-term accommodation.
People become homeless for lots of reasons and often through no fault of their own.
We deal with enquiries from people who are in danger of becoming homeless to those who find themselves in the following situations:
- Have been given notice by a Private Landlord
- Have been given notice by a Social Landlord
- Suffering Domestic Abuse in their home
- Are being evicted by parents or family
- Have come out of prison/hospital
- Are in mortgage arrears or have lost their job and are struggling to pay for their accommodation
People who are sleeping rough make up a tiny number of the people we see.
If you are at risk of losing your home, the earlier you talk to us, the better chance we have of being able to help you.
In certain circumstances, we may need to offer emergency accommodation while we carry out enquiries and consider if we have a duty to help you secure longer-term accommodation.
There are several things you can do which can help you stay in your home.
Problems paying your rent or mortgage
If you’re struggling to pay your rent or mortgage take action straight away. Speak with your housing provider, landlord or mortgage provider and explain the situation. Get advice from Citizens Advice and/or a debt advisor.
You may be entitled to claim Housing Benefit to help with your rent if you have a low income.
If you cannot afford the shortfall between your rent and your Housing Benefit, you may be able to get extra help through Discretionary Housing Payments. These are short term funds and should not be relied on as a permanent additional income.
Organisations who can provide support
There are also a range of other organisations who you can speak to if you are having problems with paying your rent and/or debt. By seeking help early and talking to someone may mean you can continue to stay where you are.
- Shelter - 0808 800 4444
- Citizens Advice - 0808 278 7859 (freephone)
- Torbay Food Alliance - 01803 466022
- Community Development Trust - 01803 212638
If you have tried the above and are still worried you may find yourself homeless get in touch with us.
The earlier you contact us, the better the chance we have of helping you.
Make a Housing Enquiry False
Contact Housing
- Contact us
- Tel: 01803 208723
- Torbay Housing Needs Overview
- Empty Homes
- Homelessness
- Renting a home
- Housing advice for landlords
- Finding a home
- Youth Homeless Prevention
- Houses in multiple occupation
- Advice for homeowners
- Join the housing waiting list through Devon Home Choice
- Your landlord has asked you to leave
- I need a housing inspection to ensure my home is safe
- Electrical safety standards
- Upload your documents to Housing Options
- Worried you might lose your home
- Moving home
- Emergency and Temporary Accommodation
- Refugees statement
- Housing Strategy 2023 to 2030
- Housing Strategy evidence base 2023
- Housing, Community and safety policies and plans
- Plans, policies and strategies