The 0to19 Integrated Contract is a 9-year (5+2+2) system change programme delivering services to children, young people and their families and communities. Provider partnership – Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust, Action for Children, The Children’s Society (Checkpoint) .
It began in April 2019 and runs until March 2028.
Services in contract:
- Public Health Nursing (health visitors and school nurses – Healthy Child Programme, Child development)
- Children’s Centres (child development and family support)
- Young people Specialist Services (RHU, Advocacy, Independent Visitors, Young person Substance Misuse)
- Torbay Wellbeing Service (joint commissioning CCG/Public health. Provider partners Young Devon, South West Family Values, Checkpoint, 0to19)
0to19 System Change

0to19 uses the IThrive framework for service transformation.
I Thrive provides a set of principles for creating coherent and
Resource efficient communities of support around CYP and their families.
How to contact the 0to19 Integrated Service
There is an Integrated Admin Hub:
- Telephone: 0300 333 5352 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)
- Address: 0 to 19 Torbay, St. Edmunds, Victoria Park Rd, Torquay TQ1 3QH
- Website: https://0to19torbay.co.uk/
All services are available fact to face, via telephone and video calls, 0to19 blends the approach depending on the wishes of the children and families we are working with, supplementing face to face with written and online information advice, information on our and other website, and apps and other tools and services such as our CKPT 85258 24/7 texting service for children and young people in Torbay. They also advertise their services on face book, Tik Tok and other social media platforms.