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41 - 60 of 2445 results

Welfare Support

Offering support to residents who are experiencing financial hardship

My tenant is in arrears

Find out what you can do to help if your tenant is in arrears.

Who has to pay

Find out who is responsible for paying the council tax charge for a property.

Apprentices and youth trainees

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax if someone living in your home is an apprentice or youth trainee.

Receiving care or treatment

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax because someone is receiving care or treatment.

Benefits and finances

Information for Torbay residents who are struggling financially.

You’ve had an overpayment

What happens if you have been overpaid.

Reminders and final notices

Information about when we issue reminders and final notices

Someone has died

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax because someone has passed away.

Foreign language assistants

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax because someone living in your home is a foreign language assistant.

Under the age of 18

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax because someone living in your home is under the age of 18.

Unoccupied, empty and uninhabitable

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax if your property is not lived in.

Bankruptcies and Insolvencies information

Information for Companies dealing with Bankruptcies or Insolvencies

National Fraud Initiative

Find out more about our involvement in this initiative and how and why we supply your data to the Cabinet Office.

Receiving child benefit

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax because you are receiving child benefit for someone who is 18 or 19.

Struggling with payments

don’t ignore the problem as it could mean you have to pay a lot more. Could you get your council tax bill reduced? Help with debt Other financial help available Share this page

Enforcement agents (Bailiffs)

Information on their procedures and fees.

If you are employed

Information on how earnings are used when working out benefit.

Second/holiday home

Find out about applying for a council tax discount on a second home or holiday home.

How much is your bill?

Find out the council tax band and charge for your property.