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Virtual school extended duties

how the virtual school team has a new role to help more children and young people with social workers, and what they do to improve their education and well-being

The DfE commissioned a ‘children in need’ review in 2019 and, as a result of this, it announced an ‘extended role’ for virtual schools from 2021.

The extended role has been established to support children and young people with a social worker, in addition to those who are children in care such as children and young people on child in need and child protection plans.

The VS Extended Role aims are set out by the DfE:

  • Enhance partnerships between education settings and the local authority so agencies can work together; helping to keep children on CIN and CP plans safe.
  • Identify the CIN and CP cohort’s needs; make them visible and intervene to overcome barriers to poor educational outcomes; ensuring pupils reach their potential. Promote practice that supports pupil engagement in education.
  • Support and advise key professionals to help children on CIN and CP plans make progress, including through increasing their confidence in using evidence-based interventions. Raise aspiration, levelling up attainment; narrowing outcomes gaps.

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