Agenda Item 1

1. Welcome

Jeremy welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting.

Everyone present have been deeply moved about the news of Ukraine situation and are conscious of remembering to pray for stability for families and frontline troops.

Apologises for absence were received from Debbie Horn, Claire Bird, Carly Watson, Nikki Boone, Angela Sumner, Shelley Moss, Belinda Twiggs


Bill Becher, Charlotte Caluori, Chair Jeremy Roberts (SHA), Advisor Ed Pawson, Group A - Shelley Moss (URC) and Helen Moss (Roman Catholic), Group B - Katy Burns and Phillip Mantell, Group C - Torbay Councillors Cllr Foster, Cllr Law and Cllr Amil, Co-opted members - Maia Miller (Pagan) and Lisa Robillard-Webb (Humanist Uk) Local Authority - Sue Kemp (Clerk to SACRE), Invited Guests - Sheila Gewolb and Sivita Harrison

2. Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be a true record of the last meeting 21/10/21. The Chair agreed to sign off the minutes.

3. Items requiring urgent attention


4. Torbay SACRE Membership Update

Ed welcomed Sivita Harrison representing the Hinduism faith and Sheila Gewolb representing the Jewish faith to the meeting. Sheila thanked everyone for the opportunity to talk about her belief and delighted to have been invited to attend the meeting. Sheila updated everyone on her involvement in multi-cultural networks across the country as well as being a member of SACRE’s across England and Wales and member of synagogues in England and Wales.

Sivita introduced her belief and how she could contribute her Hinduism faith and belief to the group.

The Chairperson thanked Sivita for her introduction and asked that she retire to the virtual waiting room to allow members to vote on her membership.

Members considered Sivita's membership to Torbay SACRE and unanimously agreed that she would be a co-opted member of the group.

No other membership issues were raised.

5. Torbay Standing Advisory Council for RE (Religious Education) – Constitution Review

A draft revised constitution of SACRE had been circulated relating to Torbay. Proposed changes to the membership included addition of both primary and secondary teacher representation and length of tenure to the group. A four-year tenure will allow for greater turnover of membership. This could lead to a greater knowledge of work undertaken by SACRE. A second tenure of four years could be undertaken but no longer than eight years in total.

Members discussed the proposed changes of the membership and asked for more time to consider the proposals in a face-to -face meeting when all members were present.

Chairperson reminded members that the final decision of the constitution lies with the Local Authority following the recommendations from Torbay SACRE.

The Chairman suggested that a working party to look at the revised constitution with terms of reference be established. Specific issues to investigate would include length of tenure for members and any mechanism for longer membership in exception circumstances.

The Chairman confirmed that Torbay Sacre will only provide reimbursement for maintained schools for travel and staff cover costs.

6. Torbay SACRE Logo Review

Members considered the revised logo’s previously circulated and expressed their view about the different submissions.

After much discussion members voted on their preferred choice. It was agreed that option one with the wording SACRE Torbay (beside image)

7. Reviewing Agreed Syllabus

Jeremy reported that himself, Ed Pawson and Tatty Wilson had met with representatives from Torbay, Plymouth and Cornwall SACRE’s. As Cornwall had launched their new syllabus in 2021 so had not synchronised with the rest on the cycle of review. Torbay, Plymouth and Devon would be reviewing syllabus in 2024 and it was anticipated a need for action to establish how the syllabus would be used and the impact on learning in schools.

It was recognised that SACREs do not have the budget for professional reports to be researched and written but it was recognised that there is an urgent need to find out how the agreed syllabus is received/used and whether the outcome has improved learning in religion and world views. Jeremy added that the time to be able to engage with teachers was considered the latter part of the summer term.

Action from the meeting included Ed Pawson to explore the use of Learn Teach Lead RE Hubs to assess short term responses and in consultation with Tatty to design a brief survey to use with as wide a range of teachers as possible to gauge feedback. Katy and Ed will explore what methodology is used for gaining community school’s feedback. Philip and Katy are happy to share the research carried out by the C of E schools about the syllabus.

Jeremy concluded that the joint SACRE group to meet again at the end of the spring 2022 term to look at the draft survey and options for funding a research project with the support of grant awarding bodies with a target of reporting to SACRE’s by the spring term 2023.

Jeremy asked that the Local Authority is informed that resources are needed to review the syllabus.

8. The State of Hinduism in RE

Members noted the contents of the paperwork previously circulated regarding the contents and recommendations. Members will familiarise themselves with the content to aid any constitution review of membership.

9. Humanists on SACRE

Members noted the contents of the paperwork previously circulated regarding the contents and recommendations. Members were asked to familiarise themselves with the content to aid any constitution review of membership.

10. Learn, Tech Lead RE Update

Deferred until next meeting

11. Holocaust Memorial Day: Feedback

The Chairman expressed his thanks to all that had supported the Holocaust Memorial Day and the excellent resources available online for schools. Colleagues explained about various events that had taken place and reiterated the excellent online resources.

12. Diversity Training

Both Sivita and Katy shared their views on the diversity training they have received. Both agreed to share their knowledge and experiences with the group.