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Churston Ferrers Grammar School allocations

A summary of the school place allocations for this secondary school.

DfES No: 4116

This is the summary of the school place allocations for Churston Ferrers on the published offer dates.

Children starting in year 7 at secondary school in September 2024 (on time applications)
Type of place/offer 2024
Admission number 150
Total number of preferences for places 401
First preferences considered 184
First preferences offered (percentage offered) 136 (73.91%)
Second preferences considered 183
Second preferences offered (percentage offered) 14 (7.65%)
Third preferences considered 34
Third preferences offered (percentage offered) 0 (0%)

These are admissions criteria for this school in descending order of priority. This table shows the number of places offered for each one.

Admissions criterion and places offered
Criterion 2024
Children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan, where Churston Ferrers Grammar School is named on that EHCP will be admitted. 1*
Candidates who have a GL score equal to or higher than the 130th ranked candidate, ranked by total GL score alone 130* to include above child
Candidates who have a GL score which places them in the range between the 131st ranked candidate and the 180th and who are children in care or who were in care but ceased to be in care because they were adopted or made the subject of a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order including those who appear to the admission authority to have been in state care outside of England or ceased to be in care outside of England as a result of being adopted. 0
Candidates who have a GL score which places them in the range between the 131st ranked candidate and the 180th and who are in receipt of Free School Meals or Pupil Premium at the time of the test 6
Candidates who have a GL score which places them in the range between the 131st ranked candidate and the 180th and are children of staff working at the school at the time of the test (subject to meeting the criteria in the Admissions Code) 0
Candidates who have a GL score which places them in the range between the 131st ranked candidate and the 180th and are allocated places according to the GL score 14
Candidates with a GL score lower than the 180th candidate, ranked by GL score 0
Total 150

On national offer day this school had the following number of places still available:

Places still available on national offer day
Year Places still available
2024 0

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