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121 - 140 of 2520 results

If you are self-employed

Information on how self-employed earnings are calculated when working out Housing Benefit.

How much help can you get?

Find out how much help you can get with your council tax if you are of pension age.

Deductions for 2022 to 2023

£16.45 In receipt of pension credit Nil Students or student nurses Nil All others £16.45 Contact Benefits Contact us More in Benefits and Support Housing Benefit Pension age council tax support Working age council tax support Household support fund Welfare support fund Receiving

Housing Benefit

Information and how to claim.


of tax evasion, the Council would have to prove that it had in place, reasonable prevention procedures. This would enable the Council to raise a defence. HM Revenue and Customs have produced guidance to help the Council put in place preventative processes and procedures

Fair Debt Collection Policy

Find out how we collect money for Council Tax, Business Rates, Housing Benefit Overpayments, Sundry Debts and Miscellaneous Income, and Parking Penalty Charge Notices.

Cabinet’s Response to Consultation

Read the Cabinet’s response to the consultation and amended budget proposals.

My Torbay

Find out how to make the most of your My Torbay account so you can see your accounts and claims and track your requests.

Tell us about a change

How to tell us about a change in your circumstances which might affect your claim.

If you or your partner are self-employed

Information on how self-employed earnings are calculated when working out pension age Council Tax Support.

Chief Financial Officers Report

Read the technical details to support the Cabinet’s budget proposals for 2023/24

You've been overpaid

Find out what to do if you have been overpaid Housing Benefit.

Tell us about a move or any changes

Find out what changes you need to tell us about so that you don't pay the wrong amount of council tax.

Landlords benefit information

Information about how you may be affected if tenants claim help with their rent.

Warm spaces

Find out where to find welcoming warm spaces in Torbay.

Extra financial help available

If you are having money problems other help is available.

Let us know if your empty home is occupied

What to do if you receive a letter for the long term empty property review.

HB overpayments and Universal Credit

. You can get more information at What to do if you disagree with a Housing Benefit decision . Contact Benefits Contact us More in Benefits and Support Housing Benefit Pension age council tax support Working age council tax support Household support fund Welfare support fund Receiving

How different tenancies affect who is responsible to pay

Find out how a tenancy affects unoccupied periods.

Private tenancies

If you rent from a private landlord we will use a Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate to work out your benefit.