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Protecting our highway network

Find out how we work to protect our highway network

Since July 2021, Torbay Council Streetworks has operated its Permit Scheme. It is a method used to prepare and manage street works operations undertaken. We ensure that works done by the highway authority and promoters are coordinated. This then reduces the impact of these works on traffic and the stakeholders of Torbay.

View the permit policy

How we coordinate works

  • Promoters should submit a permit application where works will affect the highway. It must meet the standards set out in the permit policy.
  • Longer period works constitute major works. These applications must be submitted in advance with a Pre Advanced Authorization.
  • We coordinate with promoters through the HAUC. We receive pre-warning of large-scale replacement works.
  • We submit C2 notices to all promoters to make them aware of our own works. This is also to appeal to promoters to warn us of any known engineering issues in these areas.
  • As an authority, we work within our policy. We submit our permits in line with the standards expected of promoters.

How we protect the network

  • We use pre-permit applications to work out where our surfacing sites may be affected by upcoming works. We seek to re-arrange these works once promoters have undertaken their works. This prevents unnecessary excavation.
  • We use information collected through HAUC. We can then work out where future promoter schemes may impact our works. We seek to re-arrange these works once promoters have undertaken their works. This prevents unnecessary excavation.
  • We issue Section 58 notices on our newly surface streets. This is to prevent unnecessary excavations by promoters.
  • We display our Section 58’s on Street Manager and will alert any promoter who intends to excavate in a protected area.

Section 58 notice

A section 58 notice comes under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991. It allows us to protect a street from any substantial street works following any substantial road works. This restriction can be in place for up to three years depending on the type of work that has taken place.

Substantial road works are defined as:

  • ‘works for road purposes that comprise a reconstruction, widening, alteration in the level, resurfacing or specialist non-ski surface dressing of the part of the highway concerned and which if carried out in a footpath, footway, bridle, or cycle track and extend for more than 30 metres of continuous length; and in the carriageway extend for more than 30 metres of continuous length’. Co-ordination code of practice 2023.

C2 Search Notice

We will issue a C2 notice to the designated network operators and promoters. Promoters can then identify schemes where they may have apparatus in the highway. Arrangements be made so it is not affected by resurfacing or reconstruction.

Exemptions from Protection

Some works from promoters are exempt from S58 protections, these include.

  • New connections
  • Immediate or emergency works. This is where not undertaking works would constitute a danger or loss of service.