In 2021 65% of all collisions in Torbay involved motor vehicles. Unfortunately, it’s a sad fact that poor driver behaviour is the main cause of road safety collisions.

We learn the basics of road safety at a young age by following the Green Cross Code. Many of us then go on to study for and pass a driving test, driving then becomes just something we do. But then what? How many of us have been distracted whilst driving or have had a near miss?

There are simple steps we can all take to ensure we do our bit to make Torbay’s roads safer including:

  • Keeping up with highway code changes
  • Keeping within speed limits
  • Not being distracted by devices
  • Renewing your licence at 70
  • Not parking near school entrances
  • Talking about road safety to younger family members

For more information on how you can help to make Torbay’s roads safer please take a look at our driver information and advice.