One You was a ground-breaking new campaign to help adults in Torbay avoid future diseases caused by modern day life. Everyday habits and behaviours - such as eating too much unhealthy food, drinking more than is recommended, continuing to smoke and not being active enough - are responsible for around 40% of all deaths in England, and cost the NHS more than £11 billion a year.
‘One You’ aimed to encourage adults, particularly those in middle age, to take control of their health to enjoy significant benefits now, and in later life.
In the South West:
- 16.9% of adults smoke
- 24,584 deaths are attributable to smoking
- 64.2% of adults are classified as overweight or obese
- 59.4% of adults are physically active
- 2,415 deaths were alcohol related
Latest figures show that life expectancy at older ages is at record levels, yet many are spending their retirement living in ill health. Currently fifteen million Britons are living with a long-term health condition, yet studies show living healthily in middle age can double your chances of being healthy when you are 70. Here in Torbay there are opportunities to improve our health in a range of ways.
Us, Your Health Torbay and other local partners are working together to create local offers and opportunities as well as motivate you to improve your health and wellbeing.