• Ensure you enter both a quantitative and qualitative response for Social Value - If both are not entered the Social Value response will be disregarded
  • Avoid ‘double counting’ - It is important that bidders only claim Social Value once
  • Only report on activities/offer Social Value that will be delivered as a result of this contract - Ensure that your Social Value targets are relevant and proportional to this contract only
  • Account for employment accurately - All employment measures in the TOMS use the same unit: No. People Full Time Equivalent. Local employment can be counted for every year of employment (NT1). Example – you employee 10 Full Time and 5 part time people with Torbay postcodes on a 2 year contract (they will all be directly working on this contract). Your calculation would be: 12.5FTE x 2years = 25FTE (for the duration of the contract)
  • Account for employment accurately – Disadvantages Measures 
    • You may record the same employee through both local employment measures (NT1) and disadvantaged employment measures.
    • You may only count a disadvantaged person into work for the first year of employment with your organisation. This is because after being employed for 12-months, the proxy value for these measures no longer applies, as it reflects the value to the individual of entering the labour market.
    • Due to the different outcomes and impacts that contribute to the proxy value you cannot count an employee as being two different types of disadvantaged.
    • These measures are intended to be used as part of recruitment programmes with relevant VCSEs/organisations. You may only claim the value of disadvantaged employment that you have created through specific and intentional initiatives. As such, to evidence these measures, you will require evidence the recruitment programme you have implemented which led to the employment of the disadvantaged individual
  • Deliver locally - This means within Torbay
  • Make sure that you only include committed local spend in your supply chain - In committing to spending locally, bidders must only include spend that will result from being awarded in this contract and under direct control
  • Provide good descriptions and any relevant evidence of how you will deliver your Social Value offers - When making your Social Value offers include a description of how you intend to deliver this and any relevant evidence to support your target on the Portal
  • Provide good descriptions and any relevant evidence of how you will deliver your Social Value offers - When making your Social Value offers include a description of how you intend to deliver this and any relevant evidence to support your target on the Portal
  • Make sure you read and understand the units - E.g. NT9, NT9a and NT10, NT10a, NT10b (amongst others): no. of weeks (not no. of people).
  • Enter your Social Value offer for the length of the guaranteed initial contract term onto the Portal, but do not forget to provide a breakdown per year - You should enter the total number of units delivered for the length of the guaranteed initial contract term and provide a breakdown in the comments box

  • Offer anything that is already required as part of the core contract - Services or works that the bidder is required to provide as part of the core contract requirements cannot be counted as additional Social Value