This Needs Assessment report sets out the current and future challenges that maintaining good sexual and reproductive health presents to Torbay residents of all ages and stages.

Having a positive state of sexual and reproductive health requires a complex range of conditions and provisions. This needs assessment refers to services which are commissioned and / or delivered by Torbay Council, Devon Integrated Care System, NHS England, voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSE), and NHS providers in the wider Devon area.

It also describes the known health outcomes and indicators at a population level which illustrate sexual and reproductive health. This assessment seeks to guide the development of quality, accessible services with an increased focus on prevention for the population of Torbay.

This needs assessment builds on the 2017 rapid health needs assessment and seeks to develop an understanding of how the local population profile and SRH needs evolve.

The intended outcome is to inform future sexual health strategies and commissioning decisions from 2023-2025.