The purpose of the pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) is to assess and set out how the provision of pharmaceutical services can meet the health needs of the population within a Health and Wellbeing Board’s (H&WB’s) area for a period of up to three years. This needs assessment links closely to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). Whilst the JSNA focuses on the general health needs of the population of Torbay, the PNA looks at how those health needs can be met by pharmaceutical services commissioned by NHS England.

Whilst the PNA is primarily a document for NHS England to use to make commissioning decisions, it may also be used by local authorities (LAs) and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). A robust PNA will ensure those who commission services from pharmacies and dispensing appliance contractors (DACs) are able to ensure services are targeted to areas most in need, and reduce the risk of over-provision in areas of less need.