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Service standards and key targets

Find out more about the standards and targets expected for DFGs.

There is no national standard for the services provided through this policy except a statutory requirement for us to determine valid and fully made applications for mandatory DFGs within six months. This does not account for pre-application activities such as the screening process and the ‘application support’ and administration including occupational therapy assessment, means testing, producing specifications, finding contractors, etc.

In practice, when an application is fully prepared by the DFG service and is submitted for funding approval it will be at a point where, subject to funds being available, a grant approval determination should be available within 20 working days. The service records all key activities and dates and can report on a variety of measures, including:

  • date inquiry received
  • date application submitted
  • date of grant determination
  • date works started
  • type and value of works and contributions
  • date works finished
  • and date works practically completed

Legislation also requires that works be completed within 12 months of any DFG approval being issued. This can be extended by negotiation if there are valid reasons to do so, such as the customer receiving care, occasional changes in contractor or specification, complex snagging etc.

We aim to apply the funding we receive fully each year with minimal waiting lists and with maximum benefit to customers. We will also work in partnership with relevant boards to support the delivery of the Better Care Fund Plan metrics.

The DFG support service is committed to ensuring good quality customer service in line with our customer service standards.