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Decisions, notifications and redeterminations

Find out how we will tell you about the result of your DFG application.

We will write to you to tell you when your application has been approved or refused. The decision will be notified as soon as reasonably practical and, in any event, no later than six months after receipt of a full and valid application.

If the application is approved, the notification will specify the eligible works, the value of the assistance and the builder/contractor who will undertake the works. In the case of a DFG we may, where financial or operational demands dictate, defer payment of the assistance on approval for a period not exceeding 12 months. Any deferment will be detailed within the grant approval notice.

If the application for assistance is refused, we will give the reasons for the refusal and confirm the procedure for appealing the decision.

Where assistance has been approved and we are satisfied that through circumstances beyond the control of the applicant, which could not have reasonably been foreseen. If the cost of the works has either increased or decreased, we may, at our discretion re-determine the financial assistance given and will tell you by issuing a re-approval notice.

Additional works or deviations from the approved works carried out without prior approval of the council will not be considered for any increased financial assistance and would remain the responsibility of the applicant to fund.