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Jo Williams

Foreward for the Local Account Summary 2022/23 by Jo Williams: Director of Adult and Community Services.

 Picture of Jo Williams

Our health and care system continues to face challenges, but we believe we are resilient enough together, to continue to rise to meet these head-on.

Demand on our services is high and is expected to rise in the coming years due to our ageing population. Like many other parts of the country, we continue to face difficulties with recruitment and the cost of living crisis. We do well in Torbay with hospital discharge, and people don’t wait a long time for care to go home. We have our provider partners to thank for that.

All of us working in adult social care are constantly looking for new ways to innovate, improve and overcome barriers. For example, in this year’s report, you’ll read about how we’re using the adult social care precept from your council tax to fund several local projects alongside our community partners.

You’ll also learn how our joined-up approach with the NHS and other partners is helping us to look at new digital tools to help people maintain their independence and remain in their homes for longer.

You’ll be able to read how engagement and co-design have played a big part in our work this year, but don’t take my word for it – people who have benefited from these projects share their experiences in this report. I do hope you enjoy reading it.

Jo Williams
Director of Adult and Community Services