Petitions Scheme

We encourage everyone who lives, works, or studies in Torbay to petition us. If we can fulfill your petition request, we will do so. If we cannot, we will explain why.

How to Submit a Petition:

  • Learn about how we handle petitions and the different options available.
  • Start a new petition or support an existing one using our online system.
  • Registration is required to use the online petition system.
Petitions Scheme
How we deal with petitions, the different options available and how to submit a petition.

You can start a petition or support an existing petition using the online system. You will need to register to do this.

  Submit or support an e-petition

Petitions can be submitted in paper format to:

Governance Support
Torbay Council
Town Hall
Castle Circus

They can also be scanned and emailed to

  Download a petition template