You told us: 

“It’s not enough to ask us what we think and feel like you are giving us a voice; you need to hear what we say and do something about it.” 

We promise to:  

Listen to your wishes and feelings in relation to what is happening in your life and record these carefully, so your voice is always heard and understood. 

How we will do this:  

  • Use creative methods and observations to capture your wishes, feelings, and experience of family life, even if you are non-verbal. 
  • We will use the words you use to describe how you are thinking and feeling about what is happening in your life and record these in the reports, assessments and records we write. 
  • We will plan together when making decisions and consider with you if these are working.  
  • We will clearly explain any decisions so you can ask questions and know what is happening and the reasons why.  
  • We will listen to your concerns, to make sure that you are safe. If you are not, we will take immediate action to protect you and keep you safe from harm. 
  • We will celebrate your successes and achievements to enable your aspirations to become a reality.  
  • We will give clear information and explain how you can make a complaint, challenge decisions, and give feedback when you feel we have done something well, let you down or got things wrong.