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Small business rate relief

Find out which businesses will benefit from small business rate relief and how to apply.

We are currently sending emails or letters to businesses in receipt of small business rates relief to review entitlement.  The email or letter provides a URL, please use that URL to provide your response, please do not use the form below to review your relief

From 1 April 2017 you will qualify for small business rate relief if your business occupies:

  • One property and the rateable value is less than £15,000
  • Two properties if the rateable value of one is below £15,000 and the other one is below £2900. The relief will be awarded to the one with the higher rateable value.
  • More than two properties, the rateable value of one is below £15,000 and all the other properties must have rateable values below £2900. The total rateable values of all properties must be below £20,000. The relief will be awarded to the one with the highest rateable value. 

You will get 100% relief if your property has a rateable value of £12,000 or less. This gradually reduces from 100% to 0% for properties with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £15,000.

Small business rate relief is not awarded automatically you must apply.

  Apply for a small business rate relief

Please note: If you are a new business that has recently taken on a property, please kindly complete a ‘Tell us you have moved in’ form below, as your liability will need to be created before you can apply for Small Business Rate Relief

  Complete the new business tell us you have moved in form

This page was last updated over three months ago

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