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How to report concerns

Find out what we do to prevent extremism and terrorism and what to do if you think someone is involved.

If you see something suspicious that makes you think there may be an immediate threat, call 999. This could be something like a suspicious package or vehicle.

We all have a responsibility to try to prevent someone from getting drawn into extremism or terrorism. This is not only to protect us all. It is also to safeguard people who may be more susceptible to becoming involved. 

It may turn out after sharing your concerns that there is no connection to extremism. It could however highlight that someone needs other support and this can then be offered to them.

Find out how Prevent has helped people.

To report or discuss a concern

  • Call 101. All calls are dealt with sensitively. You can ask to speak with a Police Prevent Officer.
  • Call the Devon & Cornwall Police Prevent Team during office hours on 01392 225130. Allow the phone to ring – it may take a little while.
  • Email the Prevent Team.
  • Call 999 to report immediate threats, suspicious behaviour, packages or vehicles.
  • Anti-Terrorism Hotline 0800 789 321. Textphone service 18000.
  • Call Crimestoppers if you’d prefer to remain anonymous on 0800 555 111

To report suspicious activity or extremist content online

  • Call the Anti-Terrorism Hotline in confidence on 0800 789 321
  • Report securely and anonymously online

Counter-Terrorism Police Officers deal with referrals. They will assess if there are any Prevent related concerns.

There are 3 potential outcomes from a referral:

  • Closed with no further action needed from Prevent/Channel. If this happens information could be passed to another appropriate agency for support. Consent would be sought before doing this.
  • There are concerns which need a Police-led response. In this situation, the Police will manage the case. It needs monitoring closely and is not appropriate for multi-agency support.
  • There are needs that would be appropriate for multi-agency support. In this situation, the individual will be referred to Channel.