Every local authority must have a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).

The LADO works within Children’s Services. They deal with things when someone is worried that an adult who works with children:

  • may have caused them harm
  • could cause them harm

When this happens they give advice and guidance to:

  • employers
  • organisations
  • volunteers
  • agency staff
  • foster carers
  • religious leaders
  • political figures
  • school governors

They make sure that the voice of the child or young person is heard and considered at every stage. This is very important.

Read working together to safeguard children to see our responsibilities and the LADOs. Torbay Safeguard Children Partnership has useful information on Managing allegations. This includes guidance on what to think about before you notify the LADO.

If you are worried about someone working or volunteering with children tell someone. You should talk to one of the following:

  • your manager
  • human resources
  • your designated safeguarding lead

This should help you decide if the criteria for making a LADO notification have been met.

If it is still don't know if the criteria have been met after this then contact the LADO on 01803 208541 for advice.