An Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) is a qualified social worker. They have at least five years’ experience and the skills, knowledge, and experience to do this job.

Their job is to:

  • improve outcomes for cared for children
  • make sure the care planning process
  • make sure we take the wishes and feelings of each child into account
  • run review meetings

Review meetings

We hold review meetings for all the children and young people we care for. When they happen depends on how long the child has been in care for but they held at least every six months.

The IRO will chair the cared for review meetings. But as the review is for the young person the IRO will help and encourage them to co-chair or chair their own review.

Between reviews

Between reviews, IROs check and manage the progress of the Care Plan. They make sure there are no delays in getting permanence for cared for children.

IROs will challenge the local authority when there are delays to fix them as fast as possible within the child’s timeline.