The conference chair is a qualified social worker. They have at least five years’ experience but have no direct responsibility for the case.

We try to make sure the same person chairs all the protection reviews for a child if we can.

Before the conference, the chair should contact the family members by phone or in person. This will include the child if appropriate. They will answer any questions and make sure the family understand:

  • the reason for the conference
  • the process

In Torbay, we use the strengthening families framework (SFF). This focuses on the family’s strengths as well as the risks to the child(ren).

The SFF helps the Chair to lead the conference process and embed the family plan. We will hold a family group conference with the family first so they can decide their family plan. This is very important.

It is important that the child or young person gets involved in their conference. If they can they should go to the meeting. If they can't go they should give their views to their social worker, trusted professional or advocate.

After the conference, we will give copies of the minutes and the outline plan to:

  • those with parental responsibility
  • professionals who were at the conference

The chair will check progress between case conferences through mid-point reviews. This will make sure the child gets improved outcomes.