Word Meaning
Age Appropriate This means we will consider the ways in which we work with you in line with your age, so they make sense to you.
Assessments This is a document that is produced by a professional who gathers information about you and your life to explore what is happening, worries and concerns and what is working well.
GDPR A law that tells us how we should gather, use, and manage personal data we collect about a person.
Lawfully Allowed by law
MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) The purpose of a MASH is to bring together different agencies in a shared space to enable fast information sharing with the purpose of making effective and quick decisions to safeguard vulnerable children.
Pathway Plan Every young person aged 16-25 that is in care, or is care experienced, has a pathway plan. It will set out your needs, views, and future goals to support you living independently.
Procedures Are company guidelines they usually include lists of what is allowed, what is not, and what should be done in certain scenarios.
Prosperous Successful
SMART When setting goals to achieve better results it’s important that they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Self-sufficient Independent
Supervision Is a process that involves a manager meeting regularly and interacting with staff to review their work and provide support
Working Together Agreement This is an agreement you and your worker will complete to explore how best you can work together.

For further support, or to give feedback, please contact our Learning and Development department on: learning&developmenthub@torbay.gov.uk