People who work full-time and who are not available to care for a child during the week can make a valuable contribution by becoming respite foster carers. They will usually provide weekend or holiday care for children whose parents may need a break or for other foster carers.

Respite carers typically look after children with physical or learning disabilities, or those who are experiencing difficulties at home and need time out. They may have a child to stay overnight at weekends a couple of times a month on a regular basis and are able to build a relationship with that child over time.

The process for becoming a respite carer is the same as for all other foster carers.

There are no ‘typical’ Disability Short Breaks Carers. There are children of all ages and disabilities who need your help.

Whether you are single or have a partner and are with or without children, we welcome people from all backgrounds that reflect our communities.

Many of our Disability Short Break Carers work full or part time. Whatever time you have to share may be just what a young person needs.

We also have Specialist Disability Short Break Carers who may link with more than one child or carry out this service on a full time basis.

Interested? Want to find out more?

If you are interested in fostering but want to find out more you can call our enquiry line on 01803 207845 or make an online enquiry.