We have signed up to the National Licensing Register. This is also known as NR3. Its aim is to improve public safety and confidence in driver licensing.
There have been high-profile cases where drivers have had licences refused or revoked. They then go to another area and manage to get a licence as they don't declare their previous history. Licensing authorities can view this information on NR3 which removes this potential loophole.
There can be valid reasons for revoking or refusing a licence. This can still lower public confidence in the trade and undermine public safety. Consequently, there is wide support of the initiative from reputable drivers and firms. It will provide a way of sharing information about refusals and revocations.
Data Protection and Privacy
All data processing and sharing is undertaken in accordance with:
- the Data Protection Act (DPA)-GOV.UK
- General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The legal basis for processing this information is:
- it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the licensing authority
In simple terms, it helps us assess whether an individual is a fit and proper person to hold a hackney carriage or PHV licence.
NR3 data is only for use in the United Kingdom.
We may also use the information provided by applicants:
- to prevent or detect crime
- to protect public funds
- in other ways as permitted by law
This can include passing information to certain third parties. If you wish to raise any issue related to data protection legislation or GDPR please see the Councils webpages. You can also contact the Councils Data Protection Officer.
Find information and advice on how to raise a concern about the Councils handling of data.
Information we record and share
Information that we will automatically record on the register:
- if we revoke an existing licence
- refusal of a new or renewal application
Torbay council and others will also be adding historic information to the register. This means we will add any relevant data that relates to an existing licence holder. We can then use this information when assessing suitability to hold a licence.
Information will be held for 25 years. This will only include:
- name
- date of birth
- address and contact details
- National Insurance Number
- driving licence number
- decision taken
- date of decision
- date decision effective
Licensing authorities will search the register when they process new applications or renewals. If they find a match, they will contact the licensing authority that recorded the entry. Information can then be shared and used to reach a decision on that application/licence.
If your details are on the register
We look at all information on its own merit. Revocation or refusal will not always follow as a result.
The register ensures authorities have all relevant information. This is necessary to decide whether an individual is fit and proper. If anything has changed since the recorded decision, it may now be appropriate to award a licence.
How to find out if your details are on the register
We will write and tell any driver who has had their licence refused or revoked by us. We may limit this to those drivers whose records are on our database.
Outside of this, we will notify anyone who has details added to the register. This will be at the same time as we let them know if we are refusing or revoking their licence.
An individual can make a subject access request (SAR) for any of their personal data held on NR3. The ‘data controller’ in respect of this data is this licensing authority. This is where the SAR should be submitted in the first instance. The National Anti-Fraud Network will fulfil this request. They are the ‘data processor’, the organisation storing the data. Exercising any other rights under data protection legislation should be made to this Council in the first instance.
How long details are kept on NR3
Data will remain on NR3 for 25 years.
This is to enable licensing authorities fulfil their statutory duty. This is to ensure a person is fit and proper to hold a taxi or PHV licence.
These duties are set out under:
- sections 51, 59 and 61 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976
- section 46 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847.