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Paying for care at home

Find out more about how you can pay for care in your home and how we can help you to do this.

We will carry out a care needs assessment to work out if you can get care and support at home. If you can we will look at your income and savings (a means test) to see how much you will need to pay towards your care. We will look at: 

  • your income and savings 
  • any property that you own and do not live in

As you are not going into a care or nursing home, the means test won’t consider the value of the property that you live in.

How your income and savings will affect your care home fees
Your savings What you will have to pay
Over £23,250

You must pay all the fees (self-funding)

Between £14,250 and £23,250 We will pay for some of your care and you'll pay the rest.
Less than £14,250

We won't include your savings in the means test. We will take your income into account.

We may not count certain types of income. For example, money from certain disability benefits and pensions. We will explain this at the time of the means test.

The means test considers all your household expenses. It also takes into account the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG). The MIG is an amount that the Department of Health and Social Care set each year. It is set aside to cover your everyday expenses.

If we are helping you to pay for homecare you can choose:

  • for us to arrange homecare services for you
  • to get direct payments and arrange homecare yourself

If you’re paying the full fees yourself, called self-funding, then we can arrange the care for you if you would like us to.

Getting financial help to pay for home care

Make sure you are claiming all the benefits you’re entitled to.

These benefits do not look at your income and savings.

Finding a homecare agency

Look for home care providers that follow the Homecare Association code of practice.
You can also ask friends or relatives for recommendations.

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