Committee details

Overview and Scrutiny Board

Purpose of committee

The Overview and Scrutiny Board is a committee of councillors but cannot include the Leader, Cabinet Members and the Chairman of the Council. 


The main purpose of Overview and Scrutiny is to hold the Council’s decision-makers and partners to account and improve services for the people of Torbay.  Overview and Scrutiny acts as the Council’s watchdog – monitoring and challenging decisions taken by the Leader and other decision makers.  To help improve services overview and scrutiny also reviews existing policies, procedures, and practices.


Overview and scrutiny is not an inspection process but is a positive way of looking at an issue from an independent point of view, highlighting areas that work well and suggesting where improvements can be made.



Contact information

Support officer: Governance Support.

Postal address:
Governance Support
Town Hall
Castle Circus

Phone: 01803 207087


Web site: