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161 - 180 of 2440 results

Local land charges

Find a road's status or learn about local land charge searches when buying or leasing property.

Planning Enforcement Policy

Find out how to report development and building works that have not been granted planning permission

Trees and Environment

Find out how we manage, maintain and conserve trees and woodlands in Torbay and how to apply to work on a tree.

Information on tree management and how to report a problem

and Environment Climate change A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Information and services Council Tax Recycling Benefits and Support Housing Libraries Registrar Parking Roads Planning

COVID-19 Testing information

COVID-19 Testing information for Torbay residents

Abbey School

Find out about this Private/Independent school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

Barton Hill Academy

Find out about this Primary (Academy) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

Cockington Primary School

Find out about this Primary (Academy) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

Hayes School

Find out about this Primary (Academy) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

Kings Ash Academy

Find out about this Primary (Academy) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

St Margaret’s Academy

Find out about this Primary (Academy) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

Watcombe Primary School

Find out about this Primary (Community) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

White Rock Primary School

Find out about this Primary (Foundation) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

Combe Pafford School

Find out about this Special (Academy) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

Mayfield School

Find out about this Special (Community) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

The Brunel School

Find out about this Special (Community) school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.

My Torbay help

Get help setting up and using your My Torbay account.

Environment and Carbon Neutral Policy

. Minimise waste and water consumption To minimise water consumption and waste created from Council operations and services through reduction, reuse, recycling, and staff behavioural change initiatives

Meeting minutes

Read the minutes from the meetings to find out what we are working on.

Whitley Court

Find out more about the extra care housing scheme at Whitley Court in Paignton.