Find out how to pay your planning fees when you submit an application
If you submit a planning application online via the Planning Portal you must pay the fee at the same time. The Planning Portal will not release the application to Torbay Council until the fee is paid to them.
If you are not using the Planning Portal you can pay online by card. You will need your reference number to do this. Please select the correct service from the dropdown box.
To pay your planning fees by BACS payment, using the following details:
Torbay Council
Account no: 06040411
Sort Code: 557001
Please include the first line of the site address as a reference .
To pay your planning fees by cheque - made payable to 'Torbay Council'. Send your cheque with your other documents and plans to:
Spatial Planning
Torbay Council
Town Hall
Castle Circus
Torquay TQ1 3NJ
Applies to applications for works to existing residential properties only. To benefit from the exemption we would require evidence that the disabled person: