Have we lost our connection with nature? Part-sculpture and part-performance, Grass Men are the living, breathing reincarnations of an older time. These huge meandering beasts are grown from the flora local to Torbay.

The work and subsequent performance explores the connection we have with nature and the lingering green spaces in our urban environment. Through an embrace of the absurd and a hint of mysticism, the audience becomes a part of the spectacle.

Through a series of workshops with members of the Torbay community, costumes are being grown, shaped and styled by the public, designed by local groups and to be performed by local performers. Expect the unexpected when nature takes human form and the residents of Torbay are in control. What will they create?

Check the website for full dates, times and locations.

All ages welcome. 

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Part of eyeview - A cultural programme - working with artists and communities to offer fresh perspectives on the places and spaces that make Torbay unique.

Cost Free (Donations towards the restoration of Oldway Mansion invited at the door.)

Web https://eye-view.org.uk/extraordinary-events-listings/2019/2/26/living-costumes-and-grass-people-ashley-peevor-btmc9-mx7y3-e5cae-zt72e