Agenda and minutes

Contact: Lorraine Stewart  Email:

No. Item


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To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2021


All agreed the minutes of the last meeting held on 11th October were an accurate record of the meeting.



Matters Arising


Ratchet Theatre Company Ltd attending to discuss Oldway Rotunda


Jeremy Holloway and Clare Parker attended to discuss Oldway Rotunda.


JH advised that they previously held a meeting with DC and KM with regards to the plans that they would like to take forward for Oldway Rotunda. JH has suggested that a separate working party is organised to discuss these plans for the future. 


JH advised that they would like to see if the plans would be sustainable for the Rotunda and look at various performances that could be held within the building itself for example circus or shows.  DC advised that there would have to be separate funding channels pursued for the works required to restore the building back to being able to be used.


CP commented that they have visited and looked at the Rotunda previously and are very keen to find out about the condition of the building and whether it would be possible for plans to be taken forward. DC commented that through the TDA, we would be able to arrange for a update on the condition of the Rotunda building at present.


PH commented that he is able to provide advice on different funding platforms that can be investigated.


A long discussion was held over this item. It was agreed that a sub committee could be set up from the attendees of this steering group to discuss the proposals going forward. The first process would be to speak with Procurement colleagues to ensure following procurement guidelines for separate project.


CP advised that it would be an idea for the working party to look at the projects that have been carried out in Plymouth on some of the heritage buildings through Community Interest Companies for modelling for information.





JW provided a brief update on the current budget situation and there has not been a lot of change since the last meeting.


YB advised that a contractor is being sought to repair the roof where there was damage caused by the recent storms.


YB advised that the lights are still in place on Torbay Road but highways colleagues are looking to have the lights removed in the new year.


DC advised that there will be weather proofing works being carried out on the Pavilion and DC & KM have been discussing the proposal of carrying out the same works on the Mansion and possibly the Rotunda to maintain the integrity of the building.



Trust Update


PH advised that he has held a recent meeting with Devon Gardens Trust to assist with drafting the Gardens Management plan and will be sending the information out to Tim Eley and Trustees so that they can review the draft document. The document will then go out to tender in the January.


DC advised that the grant application for the NHLF resilience funding is progressing and we are hoping to receive the outcome of the application in the New Year.


DC advised that DCA have provided some recommendations to appoint a consultancy company to assist with the Project Management work and they have provided some websites that can be used to advertise the opportunity.


CR asked if it would be possible to see the latest architect report from Purcells as believes it is with TDA – ACTION – LS to request report and send out to trustees.



Friends of Oldway Group update


KH provided an update on the tearooms. The tearooms have been very busy but it has now started to quieten down now. In the last week, the lighting in the tearooms has been changed to LED lighting.


Flood lighting has been installed in the grounds and the colonnade.


KH is speaking to two different organisations about having a defibulator installed on the colonnade.


There has been an issue recently with an alarm going off and KH believes there is an issue with one of the sensors. YB advised that she will raise this with the TDA to ensure that this is investigated to be resolved. ACTION – YB


KH updated that she has been progressing a kickstart application through the TDA for a young person to come and work within the tearooms and hopes to hear about the outcome of the application in January.


There have been further applications received from students completing Duke of Edinburgh awards and the students who have been volunteering already through this scheme, are staying on to assist with volunteering in the tea rooms.

KH advised that the heritage display stands have been returned back to Oldway tearooms for use again and the items for the stands are locked in a cupboard which KH has been trying to get access too.


KH provided an update that the tearooms currently have around £20,000 in the bank account. There are still some private Christmas parties to be held next week which will assist with the income and there has been some donations received recently.


Some maintenance has been carried out on the old sewing machines which are located in the tearooms and KH would like to know if the sewing machines which are located within the machines could be serviced by the member of the public as well – ACTION – LS to speak to KM and update KH 



Oldway Gardens Group Update


TE provided an update on the Gardens Group. The group is now registered as a charity. Since the start of the volunteering, the group have carried out 11,000 hours of volunteering in the gardens.


The Group was successful in achieving awards through the Britain in Bloom competition.


Around 4000 bulbs have been planted in the gardens this Autumn.


TE reported that there have been some chemicals used at different locations within the Gardens on concrete/steps but TE does not know who has completed this work as it has not been carried out the Gardens group. This has caused some of the stonework to be turned pink. YB asked for pictures to be sent to her so she can speak to the TDA to see if they are aware of any work being carried out – ACTION – KH/TE to send pictures



Guided Tours - a way forward


DC advised that a process needs to be drafted and approved with regards to Guided Tours being carried out within the Mansion to provide greater access.


It was discussed that the Trust, the Gardens Group and Friends of Oldway need to work more closer together to utilise the skill sets of each group to protect Oldway.


IB commented that she believes that the piece of work that was previously discussed through Tracey Cabache in the TCDT  for more collaborative working for the groups needs to be continued and completed. TC commented that the TCDT are happy to assist with the process that was previously discussed. ACTION – DC and KM to discuss this in January as to how this can happen whether through the Trust or Friends Group.





CM commented that she has spoken to someone recently who is interested in becoming a trustee who has recently moved to the area and is a retired quantity surveyor. ACTION – CM to send details of the interested person to DC and KM


CM asked what the role of the civic society is of attending the steering group meetings as she has been attending since the start of the discussions and DC advised that he believes it would be a good idea to review all of the roles of the steering group members in the New Year but believes it is important that a member of the civic society continues to attend.


LG asked for an update on the installation of the noise detector as a deterrent for the young people causing the ASB. KH commented that she has spoken to KM and this is in hand. YB advised that she is aware that planning advice needs

to be investigated first due to the building being a listed building.


CR updated the steering group that unfortunately Oldway did not make the list to be added to the Victorian Society list of buildings for 2021.


PH advised that there has been no update with regards to the application for Worlds Monument Watch list but is expecting an update in the new year.