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121 - 140 of 2442 results

Palace Avenue

Details of this taxi rank including opening hours and the number of taxi's in the rank.

The Strand

Details of this taxi rank including opening hours and the number of taxi's in the rank.

Union Street

Details of this taxi rank including opening hours and the number of taxi's in the rank.

Victoria Parade

Details of this taxi rank including opening hours and the number of taxi's in the rank.

Your bill

Information about your council tax bill

Finance structure

Details of our Finance management structure

Public Health structure

Details of our Public Health management structure

Roof plans

Guidance on how to correctly produce roof plans to accompany a planning application.

Other types of Planning application

Find out how to get permission to demolish a building including in a conservation area.

Climate change

Find out how we aim to help minimise the economic, social and environmental costs of climate change in the Bay.

Inquiry core documents

Core documents related to the Inglewood inquiry

Opening and closing statements

Read the opening and closing statements for Torbay Council as the local planning authority and the Appellant.

Report Unauthorised Tree work

charges Trees and Environment Climate change A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Information and services Council Tax Recycling Benefits and Support Housing Libraries Registrar Parking

Latest coronavirus figures

Get the latest data for Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Torbay.

Latest coronavirus figures by area

Get the latest data for Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Torbay by area.

Leonard Stocks Centre

Listen to the people who live at and manage Leonard Stocks hostel in Torquay to find out how life chances are being improved for hostel residents.

Night-time economy

Fin out how Torbay partner organisations are working together to ensure Torquay remains a safe place for visitors and residents alike enjoying the night-time economy.

Safety of women at night

Listen to how we are working with others to help make Torbay a safer and more welcoming place for women who want to enjoy a night out.

Target Hardening and CCTV

Listen to how we have reduced opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour in Torquay

Lodestar Academy

Find out about this Special school including contact details, Ofsted reports and performance data.