We're accepting applications for grants from the Household Support Fund, which helps families and individuals struggling to pay their living costs.

We're administering £1.2m from the scheme, which was first set up last year and has now been extended until the end of September.

Households will be able to apply for £50 towards food and for those liable for energy bills, another £50 towards those costs.

Only one application will be considered per household and those who previously applied for support under the first round of the scheme are welcome to reapply.

Some of the funding has been allocated for food vouchers for children and young people who are eligible for free school meals.

Money has also been set aside for working-aged and pension-aged households - a third of the funding is ringfenced to people who receive pension credit.

The scheme will close when funding is no longer available.

We're in the position to continue to help parents and carers whose children receive benefits-related free school meals by hosting Healthy Holidays clubs during the summer, Christmas and Easter breaks. Healthy Holidays clubs will return in the summer holidays.

Councillor Christine Carter, Cabinet Member for Corporate and Community Services, said: “Rising food and energy prices mean times are hard at the moment for many people and we hope this money can go some way towards easing that hardship.

“The money is particularly aimed at pensioners and families with children, and we would encourage those who think they might be eligible to apply now.”

Find out more about the fund and how to apply.

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