On Wednesday 7 January 2015, Torbay Council is holding a public exhibition for the proposals to change traffic flow in Torquay town centre and local businesses and residents are invited to come along to review the proposed plans.

The proposed scheme aims to provide a better-quality direct entrance to the town centre for vehicles, linking the shopping area of Torre to Torquay town Centre. This is part of the wider Gateway project to improve access from Kerswell Gardens to the town centre. There will also be improvements for pedestrians and cyclists with better crossings and direct safer routes.

The exhibition is taking place in the Assembly Rooms at the Town Hall and will be available to view between 10am and 4pm. Transport experts will also be available to discuss the proposals.

Further information about the scheme can be found online here: www.torbay.gov.uk/localtransportboard.htm.

Councillor Robert Excell, Executive Lead for Safer Communities, Highways, Environment and Sport, said: “These new proposals show traffic coming into the town centre from Torre along Newton Road instead of out, as well as traffic leaving the town centre using Tor Hill Road and turning right at the Abbey Road traffic lights.

“These changes are imperative as they will help to regenerate the town centre and make it more easily accessible for residents to access the car parks. This will then have a positive knock on effect for local businesses as people will then come into the town to spend money.

“I would urge all businesses and local residents to visit the exhibition or take a look at the proposals online as your comments and suggestions can help to shape this scheme.”

Feedback received from the exhibition will be considered by the council’s Transport Working Party at their next meeting on Thursday 15 January. The preferred scheme will then be developed in more detail and submitted to the the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership in March for funding.

The Local Enterprise Partnership has already supported the Western Corridor Improvements currently under way, as well as the Torquay Gateway Improvements that will see Scotts Bridge, Lowes Bridge, Shiphay Junction, Gallows Gate as well as the new off road cycle route between Shiphay Lane and Crownhill Rise all improved.

For further information on this exhibition and proposals please email transportation@torbay.gov.uk or call 01803 207693.

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