Venue: Grace Murrell Room C, Riviera International Conference Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay TQ2 5LZ
Contact: Governance Support
No. | Item |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 13 December 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 13 December 2023 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
SWISCo Annual Report To carry out an annual review of the operation of SWISCo and hear from the Chair and Managing Director and Council Lead Officer on the effectiveness of the delivery of this wholly owned company against its agreed business plan.
(Note: Matt Reeks (Managing Director), Alan Denby (Chair), Lisa Tuck (Lead Offer) and Councillor Billings (Cabinet Member for Pride in Place, Culture, Events and Parking) have been invited to the meeting for this item.) Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Pride in Place, Culture & Events and Parking, Councillor Billings, the Chair of the SWISCo Board, Alan Denby, and the Lead Officer for SWISCo, Lisa Tuck, provided a brief overview of the Annual Report for SWISCo for 2022/2023 and responded to the following questions:
· why was the full business plan and risk register not included within the paperwork; · the green waste service had been operating for a year, how many people had signed up for the second year and what action was being taken to increase take-up; · were any incentives being offered to increase take-up of green waste collection; · had the Council considered promoting green waste collection through the Council Tax leaflet or at remote collection locations; · what was the original take up figure for green waste collection and how many people have re-signed up (a written response to be provided); · had the Council considered a refer a friend scheme for green waste collection; · why didn’t the covering report reference the good work SWISCo do employing people with learning disabilities and care experienced young people etc. under the equalities section; · how was SWISCo communicating that people could get a smaller green waste bin if they needed one; · why was there not more detail on the capital investment programme, where it started and where it was now; · what was happening about the future of the service and how could Overview and Scrutiny take an active role in this work; · there was limited information regarding highways finances and prioritisation for repairs and maintenance; · when would SWISCo be cutting the grass and could information be published on the website, once known, on the dates and areas for this, if possible with residents able to put in their postcodes to see when it was due; · what action was being taken to do the work of the former Community Engagement Officer; · how did SWISCo track energy changes (a written response would be provided); · did the sensors in the bins detect smelly waste or just full bins and could people scan the QR code and report smelly bins so they could be emptied sooner; · how was the campaign with the sensors in the bins going and had they been added to the bins in Babbacombe (a written response would be provided); · what was preventing the weed spraying and what was the current programme for this (a written response would be provided); · why did the report not refer to outsourcing the out of hours team and what action was being taken to monitor performance of this; · why were issues impacting on the stream by the Waste Transfer Station and the issues with the Environment Agency not included in the report; · why did the report not include much detail about commercial waste and driving forward that data; · where was SWISCo using agency staff and where were there vacancies; · SWISCo were tasked to work ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
To consider the above Councillor Call for Action received from Councillor Steve Darling and determine if the Board wishes Officers to prepare a full report on the matter. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order D13, Councillor Steve Darling outlined his reasons for submitting a Councillor Call for Action regarding the removal of the palm trees at the Italian Gardens, Torquay.
The Board had to determine whether or not to request officers to prepare a full report on the matter.
Resolved (unanimously):
That the Overview and Scrutiny Board requests officers to prepare a full report on a Review of Investigation into the removal of the palm trees at the Italian Gardens, Torquay to be presented to the Board by no later than 13 March 2024. |
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