Torbay residents are being invited to have their say on future plans for transport covering the Bay as well as Devon.

A public consultation has been launched today (Tuesday 1 October) on the Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) which sets out the transport priorities across the county between 2025 and 2040.

You can access the consultation via the Devon County Council website.

The plan's vision is for well-integrated and accessible transport to facilitate sustainable growth, support net zero carbon targets by 2050 at the latest, improve travel choice and benefit people’s health and wellbeing.

Councillor Adam Billings, Torbay Council’s Cabinet Member for Pride in Place, Transport and Parking, said: “We really want to hear the views of Torbay residents on this important consultation.

“Supporting our community, businesses and visitors to move about through an effective and efficient transport network is critical to deliver a healthy, happy and prosperous Torbay. The Local Transport Plan outlines the steps we will take to give more choice in forms of travel, while also ensuring resilience and safety on the network.

“This strategy will improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay and Devon, and help deliver the transport infrastructure that is needed for our people and our place.

“A number of priorities are proposed across all areas of Devon and Torbay, including making greater places for people, making travel easier, improving access for pedestrians and cyclists, decarbonisation, unlocking development, and a more reliable and resilient network.

“All across these areas there are some really important projects in our prime areas such as the Torquay Harbour public realm project, lower emission vehicles and public transport and encouraging more active travel.”

A full list of the projects for Torbay included in the consultation are:

Greater places for people

  • Delivery of town centre public realm improvements across Torbay.
  • Enhance Torquay Harbour’s public realm by improving the pedestrian environment of
  • The Strand and reducing vehicular dominance on the seafront.
  • Improve Torquay’s road layout and wayfinding to improve entry and exit into the town centre.
  • Upgrade public transport gateways in Torbay’s town centres.

Easier travel

Improving travel choice

  • New railway station at Edginswell to create new opportunities for travel to Torbay
  • Hospital and other nearby destinations.
  • New bus/coach services from Torbay to East of Exeter.
  • Enhance integration of bus and rail services.
  • Network of shared travel choices (bike hire/car club) across Torbay.

Attractive public transport

  • Attractive modern vehicles.
  • Higher frequency bus services between town centres and major employment and

education sites.

  • Faster bus journey times, including priority at traffic signals, bus only access, and

reduced impact of on-street parking on bus service reliability.

  • Extend operating hours of bus services, including evening services and night services

through the week.

Access to public transport

  • Improve bus stop infrastructure and information systems, including wayfinding between bus and rail services.
  • Improved access for all at railway stations.

The place to be naturally active

Strategic Cycle Network

  • Work with partners to deliver South Devon Cycle Way and connect Torbay into the existing traffic free, multi-use trail network in Devon.
  • Deliver strategic cycle routes within Torbay, including Hospital Trail, Torquay Town Trail and northern sections of the Beaches Trail.
  • Develop proposals for the Zoo Trail and southern sections of Beaches Trail.

Improving access for pedestrians and cycles

  • Improve pedestrian and cycle crossings to town and neighbourhood centres and where they support delivery of the strategic cycle network.
  • Improve attractiveness and safety of walking and cycling routes to schools.
  • Create quieter and safer streets for residents, pedestrians and cyclists.


  • Transition to lower and zero emission buses across Torbay.
  • Increasing travel choice to help reduce traffic movements across Torbay.
  • Deliver a network of electric vehicle charging points.
  • Promote peer-to-peer charging.

Unlock development

  • Require secure cycle parking and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
  • Ensure suitable access to and/or improvements to local bus stop facilities.
  • Provide high quality pedestrian and cycle access, including delivery of sections of LCWIP routes.
  • Require travel planning for school expansions and all major developments.

Reliable and resilient network

  • Identify proposals to improve active travel provision and vehicle performance on

the Major Road Network.

  • Protect and enhance access to Brixham Harbour.
  • Reduce the number of casualties on the highway network.

More information

As part of the consultation, public webinars will be held on Tuesday 8 October from 6-7pm and Monday 18 November from 6-7pm, where there will be an opportunity to put questions to the project team. Details of how to register to attend the online webinar events will be available on the Have Your Say webpage. Those wishing to attend via phone will also be able to dial into the meeting.

All libraries in Torbay will each have a copy of the full draft LTP4 and the draft Strategic Environmental Assessment as well as printed copies of the LTP summary booklet and printed copies of the feedback questionnaire. You can also take the survey via the Devon County Council website.

Devon County Council are also consulting on their Local Cycling, Walking and Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). Devon residents can take part in their LCWIP consultation via their website

Torbay’s LCWIP was agreed in April 2021 and you can read more on our webpage

Once the consultations on LTP4 and LCWIP have closed, feedback will be analysed and used to inform the draft documents. The results will also be made available in a consultation report.

It is hoped that the final plans will go before council committees for approval in 2025.

The consultation closes at 11.59pm on Saturday 30 November.

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