To help people live longer, healthier lives, we are promoting ‘Know Your Numbers! Week’. This is the UK’s largest BP testing and information event.

Cardiovascular disease is the second biggest cause of early preventable death in Torbay. High blood pressure (BP) can lead to heart attacks and strokes. However, high BP usually has no symptoms until it’s too late. This can be prevented by early detection, through a BP check.

Know Your Numbers! Week is taking place from Monday 2 September to Sunday 8 September 2024. Partners across Torbay, supported by Torbay Council, have come together to organise a range of free events to carry out BP checks, provide lifestyle advice, and share information about heart health.

Dr Lincoln Sargeant, Director of Public Health, said: “Getting your BP checked is so important. Know your Numbers! Week is a leading example of how partners are working collaboratively to tackle high BP and cardiovascular disease.”

“We can all do something to improve our heart health and spread the message to our families and friends. It’s never too early or too late to start looking after your heart.”

Local GP Dr John McGuinness said: “I am so pleased that we are working with the Torbay Public Health Team to raise awareness and detect people with high BP in the community.”

“You can get a BP check all over Torbay now, look out for our events as part of ‘Know Your Numbers! Week’, pop into your local pharmacy or visit the Paignton Community Hub.”

These events are organised and delivered by local peer support groups, public service organisations and charities.

Event Details:

Paignton Community Hub – daily BP checks and signposting service

  • What? Engaging Communities South West are offering free BP checks, Body Mass Index (BMI) checks and signposting health advice. Other free services are available on set days, including digital support sessions.
  • When? Weekdays (10am – 1:30pm)
  • Where? Paignton Library, Great Western Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 5AG

Paignton Library BP monitor scheme launch

  • What? Local GP Dr John McGuiness from Corner Place Surgery is working with the Torbay Public Health team and Paignton Library staff to develop a new library-based BP monitor scheme. This free scheme lets residents loan a BP monitor for 7-day home BP measurements. 
  • When? Launches Tuesday 3 September
  • Where? Paignton Library, Great Western Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 5AG

‘Happy Hearts’ group – Brixham coffee morning

  • What? Happy Hearts peer-support group in Paignton are running a free ‘heart health coffee morning’. They are offering BP checks and sharing heart health with attendees.
  • When? Thursday 5 September (10am – 12pm)
  • Where? Scala Hall, New Road, Brixham, TQ5 8TA

Paignton Community Hub – mini-health checks

  • What? Local GP Dr John McGuinness and Pharmacist Josh Coulson are carrying out free BP checks and health screenings at Paignton Community Hub.
  • When? Thursday 5 September (9:30am – 12:30pm)
  • Where? Paignton Library, Great Western Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 5AG

Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board – update on cardiovascular disease

Torbay Pride – ‘Your Health Torbay’ led BP checks and outreach

  • What? Your Health Torbay are attending Torbay Pride. They will have a stall in the event village and offer BP readings. They will also providing general lifestyle advice and inform attendees with further support where needed. There will be specialist stop smoking advisors, nutritionists and healthy lifestyle advisors to chat to attendees.
  • When? Saturday 7 September (11am – 6pm) and Sunday 8 September (2pm – 5pm)
  • Where? ‘The Market Village’, Torbay Pride, Torre Abbey Meadows, Torbay Road, Torquay, TQ2 5DG

Torquay United Football Club – community pharmacy-led BP checks and outreach

  • What? Community pharmacists will be providing free BP checks for attendees at Torquay United Football Club against St Albans City. Your Health Torbay will also be providing general lifestyle advice and signposting residents to support where needed.
  • When? Saturday 21 September (12:30pm – 2:30pm)
  • Where? Warbro Road, Torquay, TQ1 3PS

We remain committed to tackling cardiovascular disease and its causes. Torbay on the Move encourages residents to be more active, more often. Torbay Council also funds Healthy Selfie Geopark Journeys, getting people out in fresh air and enjoying Torbay.

See the following link for more information about Know Your Numbers! Week:

Know Your Numbers! Week

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