We, together with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust have been working with community and voluntary and care sectors to co-produce a new vision for adult social care in Torbay.  We want thriving communities where people can prosper. 

Councillor Hayley Tranter, Adult and Community Services,  Public Health and Inequalities for Torbay Council, said: “Our draft Adult Social Care Strategy - 'Thriving Communities Where People Can Prosper' - sets out how we will work towards that vision, setting out our priorities to improve adult social care services for residents in Torbay.

“In this next stage of engagement, we want to hear views from across Torbay on whether the priorities we’ve identified will help us meet our vision and whether the strategy effectively describes the next steps in Torbay’s adult social care story.”

The priorities identified in the Strategy include:

  • Helping people to live well and independently
  • Helping people to regain their independence
  • Helping people with care and support needs to live independently, safely and with choice and control

The Council is particularly looking for feedback on the strategy around:

  • How well do you think the priorities we’ve identified will help us meet our vision?
  • Does the strategy effectively describe the next steps on Torbay’s adult social care story?
  • Is understandable and does it resonate with you?
  • Does it make sense?
  • Does it focus on the right things?
  • Is there anything missing?

We consult in a new way on the Adult Social care strategy in a new way which will give real opportunity for people to influence the strategy.  It builds on the work undertaken through the Community Led Support programme and with the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) which started in 2018. 

Have your say on the ASC Strategy

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