Do you have children aged 13 to 17 who would be interested in learning about woodland and survival skills such as fire making and shelter building and learn about climate change?

During half term week Groundwork South and Cool Climate are offering woodland craft sessions at Westerland Valley (near Great Parks Community Centre, Kings Ash, Paignton).

In addition to learning valuable skills to help address climate change, Cool Climate’s aim is for the sessions to support young people who may be facing a decline in mental wellbeing due to eco-anxieties, and send a message of hope for the future. It is part of a range of initiatives across Torbay to help tackle climate change and get more local people involved with local green spaces.

The half day sessions are on Tuesday 1 June and Thursday 3 June from 9:30am to 12pm and from 1pm to 3:30pm.

To find out more or book a session text 07736 133056 (there are a maximum of 12 places per session).

Following the half-term taster sessions, weekly Cool Climate sessions will soon begin and will enable young people to develop innovative solutions to the specific climate related issues that are most important to them at Westerland Valley.

Councillor Mike Morey, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture for Torbay Council, said: “Cool Climate is just one of the actions happening across Torbay to help tackle climate change.

“The Council is committed to becoming carbon neutral and to working with other to create a carbon neutral Torbay by 2030. More tree planting, better walking and cycling routes, solar power and electric charging points are just some of the measures to be delivered throughout 2021, alongside the development of a longer term plan to achieve carbon neutral across the Bay.”

You can find out more about our plans to tackle climate change.

Devon Climate Assembly

Some of you may have received invites to take part in the Devon Climate Assembly. You can find out more about that on the Devon Climate Emergency website

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