At the Annual Council meeting on Wednesday 28 April, members officially elected and appointed Councillor Terry Manning as The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay and Councillor Mandy Darling as Deputy Civic Mayor.

Councillor Manning takes over from Councillor Maggi Douglas-Dunbar who was inaugurated as The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay in May 2019, had her initial one-year term extended due to coronavirus restrictions.

During his year in office Councillor Manning will be supported by his consort Ms Jan Moore and Mr Martyn Hodge as his Chaplin and will be working to raise money to support the Disabled Sailing Association.

Councillor Mandy Darling was appointed as the Deputy Civic Mayor and will be escorted by her son Mr William Darling.

In addition to the appointment of a new Civic Mayor and Deputy Civic Mayor, in accordance with annual appointing and the start of the new Municipal Year, the Council reconfirmed the Terms of Reference and membership of the council’s Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Parties. Having appointed the Council’s Committees, the Council duly appointed the following Councillors as Chairmen/women and Vice-Chairmen/women of the Council Committees:

Audit Committee

  • Chair - Councillor Loxton
  • Vice-Chair - Councillor Kennedy

Harbour Committee

  • Chair - Councillor Amil
  • Vice-Chair - Councillor Dudley

Health and Wellbeing Board

(Note: In accordance with Standing Order H3.1 nominations reflect the members of the Health and Wellbeing Board which includes officers and partners.)

  • Chair - Councillor Stockman
  • Vice-Chair - Matt Fox (Clinical Commissioning Group)

Licensing Committee

  • Chair - Councillor Ellery
  • Vice-Chair - Councillor Barbara Lewis

Overview and Scrutiny Board

  • Chair - Councillor Douglas-Dunbar
  • Vice-Chair - Councillor Bye

Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Board (Sub-Committee of Overview and Scrutiny)

  • Chair - Councillor Bye
  • Vice-Chair - Councillor Mills

Planning Committee

  • Chair - Councillor Pentney
  • Vice-Chair - Councillor Dudley

Standards Committee

  • Chair - Councillor Mandy Darling
  • Vice-Chair - Councillor Mills

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