At Torbay Council’s Annual Council meeting yesterday, Councillor Steve Darling was appointed as Leader of the Council.

A Partnership Memorandum between the newly elected Liberal Democrat Group and the Independent Group has been signed following the election on May 2, which left no party in overall control of the Council.

A new Civic Mayor and Deputy Civic Mayor were also elected at last night’s meeting, and details of the Leader’s new cabinet were unveiled at the Adjourned Annual Council meeting.

The new appointments are as follows:

Leader of the Council Councillor Steve Darling
Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance Councillor Darren Cowell
Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health Councillor Jackie Stockman
Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Councillor Cordelia Law
Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Housing Councillor Swithin Long
Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture Councillor Mike Morey
Cabinet Member for Corporate and Community Services Councillor Christine Carter
The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay Council
(Formerly known as the Chairman)
Councillor Maggi Douglas-Dunbar
Deputy Civic Mayor Councillor Terry Manning

Torbay Council Leader, Steve Darling said: “I am pleased to be elected as the Leader of Torbay Council and I am committed to working closely with my Cabinet to further many of the aspirations for Torbay that we share, such as more jobs, more affordable housing, tackling climate change, involving our communities and turning the tide on poverty in Torbay.

“There is no doubt that there will be difficult decisions to be made, but by working together I hope that we can tackle some of these issues head on and ensure Torbay has a bright future.”

The Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator and Scrutiny Lead Members were also appointed at the Adjourned Annual Council meeting, as were appointments to committees and other bodies.

The minutes of the Council meeting, which will contain details of all the appointments, will be published on the Torbay Council website in due course at Meeting Minutes.

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