Torbay Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Board has been asked to review the decision of the Mayor to enter into a deed covenanting with the residents of Churston and Galmpton Ward not to allow development on Churston Golf Club without first obtaining a majority in a referendum.

Councillors Morey, Ellery, Darling, Tyerman, Doggett, Davies, Cowell, Parrott and Brooksbank have signed a “call-in” notice which effectively puts the Mayor’s decision on hold until the Overview and Scrutiny Board meets to discuss the decision.

The Board will meet on Thursday, 16 October 2014 at 5pm. The meeting will be held at the English Riviera Centre, Torquay.

The Chairman of the Board, Councillor John Thomas, has invited members of the public to address the Board. Anyone wanting to speak should contact the Overview and Scrutiny Team at Torbay Council on 01803 207063 where places will be allocated.

Once the Board has heard from Councillors and the public, it will make a decision whether to take no further action or to refer the decision back to the Mayor for re-consideration. In exceptional circumstances, it may refer the decision to a meeting of the Council for consideration.

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