There has been a lot of speculation on social media regarding The Super Weekend which is inaccurate and misleading. The position is that the organiser of The Super Weekend advertised his event, for which he is charging an entry fee, before he sought formal permission from the council. In order for the council to give permission for events on its land, the land must be hired from the council and the council and statutory partners must be satisfied that the event can take place safely. The organiser could not satisfy either of these requirements.

In addition, the organiser which is a private business, wanted the council to provide a substantial financial contribution to the event. Torbay Council is not able to fund private businesses unless a formal process such as a procurement exercise has been undertaken. We are however continuing a dialogue with the organiser about an event for later on in the season to give him more opportunity to prepare the necessary assurances.

The council is committed to bringing high quality, well managed and organised events to Torbay and will continue to work with partner organisations for the overall benefit of the Bay.

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