Outside body

Torbay Bus Enhanced Partnership



The Board will comprise the following representatives:

·         Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture;

·         Director of Pride in Place (or nominated representative);

·         Individual Bus Operators who are subject to the minimum Torbay Enhanced Partnership requirements;

·         Chair of the Torbay Bus Forum.


Board meetings will require a quorum of two Bus Operator representatives and two Torbay Council representatives and shall be held not less than twice per year at regular intervals between each Torbay Bus Forum meeting.  There will be additional provision for additional meetings as required to take decisions which in the opinion of the Chair of the Board cannot be deferred to a scheduled meeting.


Terms of Reference:

1.      Focus on delivery of the Torbay Enhanced Partnership Scheme and Plan;


2.      Work collectively to agree public transport investments to improve bus services across Torbay; and


3.      Identify priority areas for investments to deliver the ambition for

a step change in service provision, the quality of service and supporting infrastructure, supported by moves to make bus travel more affordable, integrated with other forms of transport and accessible to all the community whilst striving for carbon neutrality and prioritisation of bus travel.

Contact information

Adam Luscombe

Our representatives